Vereshchagina Irina Mikhailovna, Savintseva Marina Evgen'evna
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
Abstract. The article considers ways of origin and development of Russian architectural and building terminology that has preserved its topicality in active vocabulary of the building profession representatives. Genesis of building ceremonial, which contributes to sustainability of the terminology, is closely related to history of wooden architecture. Carrying out the research in the sphere of linguistic culturology the authors put forward and justify a thesis that Russian architectural and building terminology is universal according to many criteria, that is why it has survived up to the present days as a unique monument of culture and also continues to develop becoming a connecting link between architectural and building traditions and innovations.
Key words and phrases: терминосистема, терминологизированная лексика, метафоризация, полисемичность терминов, строительные обряды, домовая резьба, сакральная символика, новации деревянного зодчества, terminological system, terminologized vocabulary, metaphorization, polysemic nature of terms, building ceremonies, house carving, sacred symbolism, novation of wooden architecture
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