Kotova Marina Yur'evna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to show the foreign cultural code in the stylistics of three characters - the heroines of Marina Lewycka’ novels written in English. Some stylistic differences in the writer’s way of description of the characters’ identity are found out. In conclusion of the study the author tells us about the existence of two forms of the foreign cultural code in the novels under consideration: the Ukrainian and the Russian language inserts and conversational errors in the English speech of the heroes; the transformation of cultural memory and self-identification of characters-migrants in their self-evaluation and national and historical consciousness.
Key words and phrases: иноязычный культурный код, мигранты, транснациональный роман, Марина Левицкая, вкрапления, культурная память, стереотипы, имагология, foreign language cultural code, migrants, transnational novel, Marina Lewycka, inserts, cultural memory, stereotypes, imagology
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