Khar'kova Yuliya Vladimirovna
Bashkir State University
Abstract. The article provides comparative and translation analysis of the novel by J. Barnes "The Porcupine" containing the heraldic construction of intertextuality and its Russian translation executed by E. Khramov. For the first time the paper analyzes the peculiarities of translating the heraldic construction of intertextuality in a literary text. The writer uses the heraldic construction of intertextuality to multiply the intertextual relations with the pre-texts thus creating "the multi-layer" narration structure. Considering this construction when interpreting and translating allows transferring all shades of meaning of the original text.
Key words and phrases: геральдическая конструкция интертекстуальности, смысловой ряд интертекстуальных включений, интертекстуальный элемент, адаптация, опущение, переводческий комментарий, heraldic construction of intertextuality, semantic chain of intertextual inclusions, intertextual element, adaptation, omission, translator’s commentary
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