Kamaeva Rima Bizyanovna
Elabuga Institute of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article examines the functioning of the dialecticisms, taken as the linguistic material from the literary works of the modern Tatar writers R. Batulla, V. Imamov, T. Galiullin and F. Safin. The types of dialect words are specified. The phonetic, morphological, lexical dialecticisms are identified. Differentiated features of the Menzelinsky patois of the middle dialect of the Tatar language are highlighted.
Key words and phrases: диалекты, говоры, диалектная лексика, язык художественной литературы, местный колорит, фонетические диалектизмы, морфологические диалектизмы, лексические диалектизмы, dialects, patois, dialectal vocabulary, language of fiction literature, local colouring, phonetic dialecticisms, morphological dialecticisms, lexical dialecticisms
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