Yang Yan
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Abstract. This article considers the issues related to the perception of K. G. Paustovsky in China. The story "The Golden Rose" was famous in China for its beauty and poetry. Its artistic image as a cultural symbol has a great impact on the Chinese people. Paustovsky attracts a number of the Chinese writers by his original style. They even developed "Paustovsky’s school" in China. The aim of our work is to present the Chinese ways of Paustovsky’s literary recognition.
Key words and phrases: К. Г. Паустовский, советская "красная классика", лирическая проза, "Золотая роза", поэтизация прозы, "школа лирической прозы", современная китайская литература, K. G. Paustovsky, Soviet "red classics", lyrical prose, "The Golden Rose", poetization of prose, "Lyrical prose school", modern Chinese literature
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