Florova Valeriya Sergeevna
Moscow State University of Education
Abstract. The article considers the images of Donna, Poet and the addressee of "Book of Songs" by Petrarch. Special attention is drawn to the fact that new renaissance individualism practically does not affect the image of Laura, who becomes the personified symbol of poetry and glory. On the contrary the image of Poet has a pronounced subjective character. But the image of the addressee in "Canzoniere" is the most interesting one. It’s actually any reader, who is involved in the renaissance culture, still devoid of the later ideas about privacy.
Key words and phrases: Возрождение, Петрарка, Лаура, Поэт, читатель, адресат, идея, символ, индивидуализм, публичность, приватность, Renaissance, Petrarch, Laura, Poet, reader, addressee, idea, symbol, individualism, publicity, privacy
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