Krasavskii Nikolai Alekseevich, Blinova Inga Sergeevna
Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Abstract. By the material of Stefan Zweig’s literary works the paper identifies and describes the artistic and expressive resources of the metaphor and epithet frequently used by the Austrian writer in the story "The Star over the Forest", in the novels "Burning Secret", "Letter from an Unknown Woman’" and "Fear". The authors single out the basic functions of the metaphor in these literary works (nominative-cognitive, pragmatic and artistic-esthetical ones), reveal the high pragmatic effect of metaphors and evaluative epithets in the mentioned Stefan Zweig’s works.
Key words and phrases: метафора, эпитет, художественно-выразительное средство, текст, новелла, пассаж, образ, ассоциация, читатель, писатель, metaphor, epithet, artistic and expressive means, text, novel, passage, image, association, reader, writer
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