Kravchuk Aleksandr Ivanovich
Far Eastern Federal University (Branch) in Ussuriisk
Abstract. The article is devoted to the monument of the Early Chinese lexicography - the list of words "Shi Zhou Pian", a special study of which hasn’t been done in the national sinology. The author conducts the analysis of scientific literature and comes to the conclusion that "Shi Zhou Pian" was compiled at the Zhou dynasty during the rule of Xuan Wang (827-782 BC). The purpose of the list defined the selection of hieroglyphs, which was restricted by "the names of objects and people". The hieroglyphs of the text are grouped semantically and by keys, the sentences consist of four hieroglyphs, they are rhymed and easily learned by heart.
Key words and phrases: традиционная китайская лексикография, древнекитайские списки иероглифов, древнекитайские прописи, "Ши Чжоу пянь", "Список историографа Чжоу", учебные списки слов, traditional Chinese lexicography, Old Chinese lists of hieroglyphs, Old Chinese samples of writing, "Shi Zhou Pian", "The List of Zhou Historiographer", training lists of words
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