Abstract. The article examines how the Ossetian and English languages implement one of the key functions on the formation in the consciousness of their nations-subjects their mental conceptions on the outside world and its components. The article aims to compare Ossetian and English proverbs and sayings and to show how they represent the mentality of a nation, national specifics of its life activity. This goal is implemented by the solution of a certain task: to analyze the interpretation of such conceptions as education, nobility, honour and respectability in the Ossetian and English proverbs and sayings.
Key words and phrases: языковая картина мира, лексика, пословицы, поговорки, мировоззрение, честь, мораль, доброта, воспитание, linguistic picture of the world, vocabulary, proverbs, sayings, world outlook, honour, morality, kindness, education
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