Abstract. The article deals with some of the peculiarities of the texts of instructive materials. The problems related to the construction of the instruction text are identified, and the possible directions of the search for these problems solution are presented. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the communication situation where the instructive style is applied - in the first place, to the differences between the addressee and the addresser including on linguocultural type. The author also notes the need to take into account the various types of context (explicit, implicit) to improve the understanding of the instruction text.
Key words and phrases: инструкция, инструктивные материалы, инструктивный стиль, контекст (когнитивный, пространственный, эксплицитный, имплицитный), внутриязыковой перевод, instruction, instructive materials, instructive style, context (cognitive, spatial, explicit, implicit), intralingual translation
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