Kotov Andrei Aleksandrovich, Kryzhanovskaya Anastasiya Sergeevna
Petrozavodsk State University
Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the individual style of one of the most outstanding and unusual Russian prose writers of the first half of the XX century Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky through the prism of the language game. The various cases of the language game use in literary texts at the level of vocabulary, phraseology, morphology are analyzed. The authors show the meaningful side of no-standard linguistic forms used by the author in order to emphasize the key images and ideas of his works.
Key words and phrases: идиостиль, языковая игра, лексическая сочетаемость, трансформация фразеологизмов, грамматическая аномальность, С. Кржижановский, individual style, language game, lexical compatibility, transformation of phraseological units, grammatical anomaly, S. Krzhizhanovsky
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