Kokoeva Zalina Ruslanovna
Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities
Abstract. The article examines the semantic structure of the connotational meaning of the phraseological units of the French language. The seme analysis conducted by the author is based on the fundamental works of the French linguists with a view to identify the virtual component in the linguistic structure of the connotational element of a sememe. The special attention is paid to the motives and backgrounds for the origin of virtual component in the semantics of the linguistic units. Author’s scientific position is aimed at the comprehensive analysis of virtual component taking into consideration its structural, semantic and conceptual characteristics. The paper analyzes the influence and dependency of the linguistic context on the connotational meaning within the framework of the semantic theory.
Key words and phrases: виртуальный компонент, семантика, фразеологизмы, семема, коннотация, французский язык, virtual component, semantics, phraseological units, sememe, connotation, French language
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