Zanozina Vlada Vadimovna
Moscow Academy of Humanities and Engineering
Abstract. The article touches upon the issue of studying the specifics of the professional group activity, namely the work of the English sports commentators. As any other special language, the language of sports commentators contains a specific layer of language units that identify it as a specific sublanguage. In this article the author undertakes an attempt to give the examples of the English football terms, in order to analyze them in terms of semantics, stylistics and pragmatics, as well as to trace the features of their use in the speech of sports commentators. In addition, the vocabulary of sports comments contains two layers of lexical units: terms and professionalism, which differ in the axiological component.
Key words and phrases: термин, терминосфера, терминология, профессионализм, жаргонизмы, номинация, term, terminological sphere, terminology, professionalism, jargonism nomination
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