Aleksandrova Elena Mikhailovna
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Abstract. The article aims to examine the structure of language game as a linguistic phenomenon. The research is carried out by the material of the texts of anecdote genre. The author touches on the content of the concepts "nucleus", "surroundings" as components of language game, identifies the basic peculiarities of the semantic and syntactic types of nucleus, clarifies the concepts "context", "micro-context", "macro-context", "inter-context" and "meta-text" as surroundings of language game, describes the key functions of the components and surroundings of language game.
Key words and phrases: языковая игра, ядро, среда, контекст, механизмы создания языковой игры, анекдот, знак, семантика, синтактика, прагматика, language game, nucleus, surroundings, context, mechanisms to create language game, anecdote, sign, semantics, syntactics, pragmatics
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