Abstract. The article deals with derivational processes in education and change of the speech genre of tea menu, the dependence of its genre-formative parameters (communicative purpose, images of the addresser and the addressee, factors of the past and the future, graphic-spatial organization and so on) and structural and linguistic features on different types of discourse. The author identifies the ambiguous motivation of this genre and describes its mutational and modification transformations.
Key words and phrases: речевой жанр, жанровое пространство коммуникации, жанрообразующий параметр, чайное меню, дискурс чаепития, дериватология, деривационные процессы, модификация, мутация, способ компрессии, speech genre, genre space of communication, genre-formative parameter, tea menu, discourse of tea-drinking, derivatology, derivational processes, modification, mutation, way of compression
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