Yakshimbetova Nina Yavdatovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Abstract. The article raises the question of the author’s specificity of style of court speeches of Russian advocates by the example of the performance of I. D. Braude and S. V. Kallistratova. The lexical and grammar means of the creation of the text cohesion depending on the motivational attitude of an author, author’s peculiarities of the rhetorical style in their linguistic aspects are examined. The differences in creating advocate’s speeches of the pre-revolution period in comparison with the Soviet period are found out. The use of cohesion chains: lexical repetition, lexical synonymy is analyzed; grammar cohesion means are described: rows of homogenous parts, successive subordination, parallel subordination; peculiarities of their use depending on the historic period.
Key words and phrases: риторическая аргументация, синонимический ряд, лексический повтор, ряд однородных членов, судебная речь, авторский стиль, rhetorical argumentation, synonymic row, lexical repetition, the row of homogenous parts, court speech, author’s style
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