Slobodenyuk Elena Aleksandrovna
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Abstract. The article is devoted to the principles of media texts illustration in the British high-quality press ("The Guardian", "The Economist", "The Spectator", "The Telegraph", "The Independent", "Newsweek", and "Financial Times"). The non-verbal part of the media text is studied by the example of texts about current Prime Minister David Cameron. The author classifies the types of illustration and draws the conclusions about the leading functions of visual support of the media text.
Key words and phrases: медиалингвистика, медиатекст, когнитивная лингвистика, язык СМИ, британская пресса, визуальный, Дэвид Кэмерон, media linguistics, media text, cognitive linguistics, language of mass media, the British press, visual, David Cameron
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