Kurilova Samona Nikolaevna
The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch
Abstract. The Tundra Yukagir language was influenced by neighboring and newly arrived nations - mainly the Evenks, the Yakuts and the Russians - during several hundreds of years. Many foreign words have become part of the lexicon of the Yukagir language, which is chiefly connected with the necessity of naming new realities to the Yukagir people. The article is dedicated to the Russian lexical loanwords in the Tundra dialect of the Yukagir language, which have not been examined thoroughly before. The analysis of Russisms, containing the lexical set "kitchen", is done and their intra-classification, which has made it possible to distinguish four lexical subgroups is given. The borrowed nature and ways of entering of some Russisms into the Yukagir language are ascertained. An attempt of periodization of Russian loanwords has been made.
Key words and phrases: тундровый юкагирский язык, русский язык, якутский язык, лексическое заимствование, прямое заимствование, опосредованное заимствование, тематическая классификация, периодизация, the Tundra Yukagir language, the Russian language, the Yakut language, lexical loanword, direct loanword, indirect loanword, lexical classification, periodization
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