Zubairova Ilzida Gayarovna
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak
Abstract. The article considers the loan words among literary terms of the Bashkir language. The author classifies loan words on the Arab-Persian loan words, the Russian loan words and foreign-language terms borrowed through the Russian language. Among foreign-language terms, borrowed through the Russian language, there are loan words from the Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, English, Buryat, Old Norse, Japanese, Finnish, Yakut, Kirghiz, Mongolian, Latvian, Old Slavic, Celtic, Ukrainian and other languages.
Key words and phrases: литературоведческие термины, башкирский язык, заимствования, арабо-персидские заимствования, русские заимствования, иноязычные слова, literary terms, the Bashkir language, loan words, the Arab-Persian loan words, the Russian loan words, foreign words
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