Lim Valentina Nak-Sunovna
Far Eastern State Humanitarian University
Abstract. The article presents the material of theoretical and applied studies of the author in the sphere of stylistics of the Korean language which is not included in the manual "Stylistics and culture of speech of the Korean language". Analyzing the process of formation and development of stylistics in the Korean Democratic People's Republic, the author describes the most important issues of stylistics of the modern Korean "cultural" language. Relying on the critical analysis of the papers of the Korean linguists the researcher concludes that in the modern stylistics of the Korean language, experiencing the period of formation and development, we can observe contradictive approaches and uncertainty in the understanding of the basic terms, as well as uncertainty in the subject itself.
Key words and phrases: корейский язык, КНДР (Корейская Народная Демократическая Республика), культурный язык, стиль, стилистика, функциональная стилистика, Korean language, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), cultural language, style, stylistics, functional stylistics
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