Salikhov Akhat Gubaevich
Institute of History, Language and Literature of Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article studies the history of cultural and literary relations between the Bashkirs and Crimean Tatars, taking place at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XXI century. Cultural contacts between these kindred peoples are rooted in the mists of time. The Crimean topics were constantly present in the works of the Bashkir writers and poets in the 20-30s of the XX century. Later they began to lose contact, and disappeared completely after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars. Only at the end of the last century they began to restore the lost relations.
Key words and phrases: Исмаил Гаспринский, Ильяс Бораганский, Мажит Гафури, Мухаметсалим Уметбаев, история литературы, башкирско-крымско-татарские связи, башкирская литература, крымские татары, Ismail Gasprinsky, Ilyas Boragansky, Mazhit Gafuri, Muhametsalim Umetbaev, history of literature, the Bashkir-Crimean Tatar relations, the Bashkir literature, the Crimean Tatars
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