Efendieva Rosina Aleksandrovna, Dzasezheva Larisa Khalifovna, Khutova Ella Ruslanovna
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of scientific (medical) terms functioning in a literary text. The authors analyze highly specialized, special and widely used terms that undergo various changes in works of art and play a particular role in the embodiment of the author's intention. The authors of the article discuss various methods that are typical for the explanation of scientific terms used in fiction, note the author’s tendency to replace the scientific style with the popular scientific one in order to become more comprehensible to the reader.
Key words and phrases: научный термин, аббревиатура, эпоним, стилистически маркированная лексика, художественная проза, характеристика персонажа, сюжет, scientific term, abbreviation, eponym, stylistically marked vocabulary, fiction, character’s features, plot
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