Ayusheeva Marina Glebovna
Buryat State University
Abstract. The question about the use of a unified transcription for the Mongolian languages is still topical due to two facts, firstly, Mongolian researchers continue using various systems of transcribing, and secondly, this question hasn’t been the subject of special attention among Mongolian researchers recently. The paper gives a brief historical review of the most significant examples of transcription, beginning with the earliest works and finishing with contemporary fundamental scientific monographs on Mongolian phonetics. The author shows how great and sometimes contradictive the range of phonograms is, that may create obstacles for understanding phonetic facts and urges to the use of a unified transcription on the basis of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Key words and phrases: монгольская фонетика, транскрипция, системы транскрибирования, Международный фонетический алфавит (МФА), русская лингвистическая азбука, Mongolian phonetics, transcription, the systems of transcribing, International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Russian linguistic alphabet
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