Tarasova Ekaterina Borisovna
Moscow City Teacher Training University
Abstract. In the article within the framework of functional pragmalinguistics the analysis of speech behavior of the participants of the speech act of advice in literary texts from the first person is carried out. Two possibilities of communicants’ presentation are identified: when the speech act participants are not the author but the characters of the text, and when the character of the text is the addresser and the addressee is the author. The speech act of the neutral and urgent advice proceeds differently. The advice can be ignored or refused by the addressee. In this case the recipient explains his/her refusal or ignores the advice without comment. The research is conducted by the material of the German language.
Key words and phrases: функциональная прагмалингвистика, речевой акт нейтрального и настоятельного совета, речевое поведение коммуникантов, немецкие художественные тексты от первого лица, functional pragmalinguistics, speech act of the neutral and urgent advice, speech behavior of communicants, German literary texts from the first person
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