Kabylkina Natal'ya Sergeevna, Kamenskii Mikhail Vasil'evich
North-Caucasus Federal University
Abstract. The article presents the results of the research work "The electronic corpus of comic texts with the elements of a linguistic game (by the example of scripts of the animated series Animaniacs )", which is devoted to the development of an electronic corpus of comic texts with the elements of a linguistic game as a means of the study of a linguopragmatical potential of a linguistic game in the space of the American linguoculture. 450 contexts by the scripts of the series "Animaniacs" with an overall number of 100 series served as the material for the study. By the formalization of linguistic features of the creation of a linguistic game the automated identification of these methods is possible. The materials of the developed electronic corpus may be applied in linguistic studies on a linguistic game and the conclusions and research materials may be used in teaching linguistic courses such as the practice of oral speech, stylistics and lexicology of the English language, and also specialized courses in applied linguistics, such as automated information acquisition, automated text analysis.
Key words and phrases: языковая игра, прикладная лингвистика, электронный корпус текстов, автоматизированная идентификация, формализация лингвистических приемов, linguistic game, applied linguistics, electronic corpus of texts, automated identification, formalization of linguistic techniques
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