Yafarova Gyuzel' Khamzyaevna
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article considers the semantic aspect of euphemisms in the political discourse of the modern German language. Euphemisms permeate all spheres of human activity, and due to their functional characteristics are widely spread in the language of politics. The topicality of the study of this linguistic phenomenon is that the euphemistic vocabulary used in this type of discourse has its own peculiarities: there are more occasional and contextual euphemisms in the political text in contrast to language and usual ones, and they are of particular interest in terms of the semantic shift. The article analyzes the examples of euphemistical replacements in topical areas of political discourse.
Key words and phrases: эвфемизм, политический дискурс, политкорректность, контекст, контекстуальное значение, семантика, семантический сдвиг, euphemism, political discourse, political correctness, context, contextual meaning, semantics, semantic shift
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