Kushnina Lyudmila Veniaminovna, Plastinina Nina Anatol'evna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Nizhnevartovsk State University
Abstract. The article examines the content of the concepts "para-translation" and "meta-translation activity" in the light of the Western and domestic translation studies schools to indicate interdisciplinary areas in which the translation activity takes place. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the alternative conceptions of para-translation and meta-translation activity and to the para-text (preface, commentaries and afterword of a translator) as a complex intellectual product integrating the original and translated texts, predicting and determining the reception of the translated text. The paper also dwells on the place and role of a translator in the spatio-temporal para-translation continuum.
Key words and phrases: параперевод, метапереводческая деятельность, паратекст, переводческое и околопереводческое пространство, синергия, предисловие, para-translation, meta-translation activity, para-text, translation and para-translation space, synergy, preface
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