Samsonov Vladimir Vyacheslavovich
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The work is devoted to the phenomenon of nominalization, assuming the generation of syntactically different statements in the Russian and Polish languages at their semantic identity. The article considers the category of the Polish deverbatives and their functional equivalent, leading to the appearance of infinitive and / or number of verbs in a personal form when translating constructions into the Russian language. The author suggests creating a specialized glossary, which fixes the set combinations of verbs with prepositions requiring the use of a nominalized predicate after them in the Polish language.
Key words and phrases: инфинитив, глагольное существительное, номинализация, номинализированный предикат, девербатив, сопоставительная грамматика славянских языков, русский язык, польский язык, infinitive, verbal noun, nominalization, nominalized predicate, deverbative, comparative grammar of the Slavic languages, the Russian language, the Polish language
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