Abstract. The paper discusses some features of the origin and functioning of one- and multi-component terminological units. The differences existing between single-component and multi-component terms are analyzed. The current trends in the percentage between the terms with different number of components as the representation of continuity and organization of scientific knowledge are substantiated. The article describes the possible reasons of increase in the number of terms, the structure of which consists of two or more components, as well as the widening of a gap in the correlation of one-component and multi-component terms as part of modern terminologies. The notion of stasis and its role in the formation of the boundary of increase in the number of term components is revealed. The correlation between the type of a verbalized scientific notion and the number of term components is analyzed.
Key words and phrases: терминология, однокомпонентный термин, многокомпонентный термин, терминоэлемент, структура, типология, номинация, terminology, one-component term, multi-component term, term-element, structure, typology, nomination
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