Kieva Zufira Khadzhibikarovna
Ingush Scientific Research Institute of Humanities named after Ch. E. Akhriev
Abstract. The article reveals the content of the conceptions linguistic calquing, semi- calque , their perception in the modern science. In particular, the author examines the variants of the Ingush linguistic terms-semi-calques and identifies their differences from the full calques functioning in the language. The researcher pays special attention to a detailed analysis of various structural models of the terms-semi-calques used in the Ingush language. The article also considers their word-formative peculiarities.
Key words and phrases: полукалька, термин-полукалька, термин-компонент, иноязычное слово, структурная модель, semi-calque, term-semi-calque, term-component, foreign word, structural model
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