Gotovtseva Lina Mitrofanovna
The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. In the article the corpus of polysemantic phraseological units (PU) of the Yakut language (226 units) is revealed, they are distributed to the following lexical-grammatical categories: verbal PU, adverbial PU, adjective PU, substantive PU. By the concrete examples the kinds of parallel and consecutive ways of the phraseological meanings formation are considered. It is ascertained that the parallel reconsideration is more widely-spread in the Yakut language.
Key words and phrases: якутский язык, многозначность, фразеологическая единица, фразеологическое значение, способ образования, параллельное переосмысление, последовательное переосмысление
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