Abstract. The article reveals the syntactic potential of the least frequent model of a polypredicative sentence with parataxis and hypotaxis in the poetical works of the modern English language, in particular, constructions with an extended paratactic complex and several hypotactic complexes. This model is included into the register of models non-typical for using in poetical texts. Complicating the sentences horizontally (paratactic complex) or vertically (hypotactic complex) reduces the frequency of their usage.
Key words and phrases: полипредикативное предложение с паратаксисом и гипотаксисом, расширенный комплекс, минимальный комплекс, однородное соподчинение, неоднородное соподчинение, последовательное подчинение, копулятивная связь, адверсативная связь, polypredicative sentence with parataxis and hypotaxis, extended complex, minimal complex, homogeneous collateral subordination, inhomogeneous collateral subordination, sequential subordination, copulative connection, adversative connection
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