Sedykh Arkadii Petrovich, Molinie Muriel
Belgorod National Research University
Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Abstract. The article examines the ways for verbalization of a universal concept " ответственность (responsibility) - engagement" in the French language. The paper presents the comparative analysis of the correlating concepts of the Russian linguoculture. The authors outline the prospects for cross-cultural investigation of the key concepts in the French and Russian linguocultures within the framework of the opposition of the categories "activity" and "passivity" and taking into consideration the optimal existence conditions in the communicative space.
Key words and phrases: концепт, лингвокультура, вербализация, национальная концептосфера, кросскультурный анализ, concept, linguoculture, verbalization, national conceptual sphere, cross-cultural analysis
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