Lavrent'eva Natal'ya Vladimirovna
Ryazan State University named for S. Esenin
Abstract. The image of lilac is one of the most popular images in the Russian literature of the end of the XIX century - the beginning of the XX century. However, in B. L. Pasternak's creativity it is reproduced in the absolutely original and unique way. "Marburg Semester" played a special role in the creation of such poetic image, a German town which was buried in lilac bushes by the description of the poet. In the first place the image of lilac is "blossomed out" in B. L. Pasternak's letters and then it is realized in his poetry, prose and, certainly, in the novel "Doctor Zhivago". Along with the mentioning of the flower itself, the poet often uses the nuances of the colour similar to lilac such as violet, amethyst, etc.
Key words and phrases: "немецкий текст", русская поэзия ХХ века, сравнительное литературоведение, образ сирени, цветопись, тема смерти, мотив бессмертия, мотив возрождения, "German text", the Russian poetry of the XX century, comparative literary criticism, the image of lilac, the art of conveying colours by the language of literary work, theme of death, motif of immortality, motif of revival
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