Aleksandrova Elena Mikhailovna
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the investigation of language game in Russian anecdotes. The paper applies semiotic approach to the interpretation of the phenomenon of language game. Mechanisms of its creation are classified in compliance with the thesis of semiotics about the relations of the sign according to which it is generally accepted to distinguish semantics, syntactics and pragmatics. The author analyzes the specifics of semantic language game based on the use of polysemantic words, phraseological units, homonyms, paronyms, word-formative models, synonyms and antonyms. The research reveals the popularity degree of using these mechanisms under the creation of language game. Under analysis is the influence nature of specifics of the Russian language system on the specificity of language game creation on the semantic basis.
Key words and phrases: языковая игра, семиотика, полисемия, фразеология, омонимия, паронимия, словообразование, синонимия, антонимия, анекдот, language game, semiotics, polysemy, phraseology, homonymy, paronymy, word formation, synonymy, antonymy, anecdote
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