Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying connotational restrictions on combinability in the lexical meaning of a word. In the expressive meanings connotation can serve as a restraint on combinability of words depending on which component (or components) of connotation (expressivity, emotionality, valuation, intensity, stylistic register) is actualized in the context. To identify these components the author provides the connotational and syntagmatic analysis with a view to reveal the prescriptions and restrictions on combinability in expressive words.
Key words and phrases: сочетаемость, коннотация, коннотативный компонент, коннотативно-синтагмати-ческий анализ, селективный компонент, экспрессивность, эмоциональность, оценочность, интенсивность, стилистическая принадлежность, combinability, connotation, connotational component, connotational and syntagmatic analysis, selective component, expressivity, emotionality, valuation, intensity, stylistic register
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