Shlyakhova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article reveals and describes the main features of contemporary religious (Orthodox) discourse, determining its unique position in the stylistic system of the Russian language, namely: a special composition of the participants of religious communication; the presence of a central text, creating intertextual relations within the entire space of religious discourse; the coexistence of two linguistic systems - the Russian and Church Slavonic languages. The author analyzes the different points of view on the correlation between the Russian and Church Slavonic languages in the modern socium, and comes to the conclusion about the existence of diglossia.
Key words and phrases: религиозный дискурс, религиозная коммуникация, Библия, коммуникативная рамка, интертекстуальные связи, церковнославянский язык, русский литературный язык, сакральный язык, Священное Писание, диглоссия, religious discourse, religious communication, Bible, communicative frame, intertextual relations, the Church Slavonic language, the Russian literary language, sacred language, Holy Scripture, diglossia
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