Pylaeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article describes some of the research results of ethno-linguistics as a new integrated trend in the modern science of language. Representing a literary text as a complex, self-organizing system, the author attempts to carry out an ecological-translation analysis of key categories - eco-concept and eco-meaning. As components of translation space fields, they have an impact on the degree of translation harmony. The quality of text translation depends on the interpreter, namely his ability to identify, understand and convey eco-meanings of the original in the context of the receiving language and culture.
Key words and phrases: эколингвистика, экология перевода, переводческое пространство, эколого-переводческий анализ, экосмысл, экоконцепт, eco-linguistics, ecology of translation, translation space, ecological-translation analysis, eco-meaning, eco-concept
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