KARMANOVA Mariya Dmitrievna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article examines the emblematics in the works by Symeon Polotsky as a principle of his creative thinking. Analysis of "The Garden of Many Flowers" emblematic poems testifies that the diversity as a principle of understanding and perception of the world is a key idea of this didactic poetic anthology realized at the level of interaction of isolated texts included in its structure. Adoption of an idea about the acceptability of alternative interpretations of a text or variants of behaviour was of great importance for the development of literature of the modern epoch.
Key words and phrases: Симеон Полоцкий, московское литературное барокко, эмблема, эмблематическое стихотворение, "Вертоград многоцветный", "Жезл правления", литература XVII века, Symeon Polotsky, Moscow literary baroque, emblem, emblematic poem, "The Garden of Many Flowers", "The Governing Crosier", literature of the XVII century
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