Bazhanov Aleksandr Evgen'evich
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Abstract. In the article the formation process of the concept sphere of the German linguo-ethno-cultural community is considered. As the polysemy research of idioms with the key word "Bahnhof" shows, idioms play an important role in this process not only fixing the definite segmentation and categorization of national reality objects in the language that is naming certain concepts but verbalizing connections between separate concepts including the ones of mental sphere and artifacts world.
Key words and phrases: концепт, концептосфера, концептуальное пространство, семантическое пространство языка, языковая картина мира, идиома, "входы" в концепт, concept, concept sphere, conceptual space, semantic space of language, language picture of the world, idiom, "entries"
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