Kostanda Irina Aleksandrovna
Kramatorsk Economic-Classical Institute (Ukraine)
Abstract. The author reveals the meaning of a stylistic device of parallelism in ancient Chinese poetry of the IV th-VI th centuries AD, tells that the ancient literature is the representation of the Chinese people mentality and the picture of the world, so by studying and analyzing stylistic devices typical of it, their structure and methods of formation it is possible to trace the tendencies formation of literary tradition development in general and language features of poetry in particular; and pays special attention to the analysis of the stylistic features of poetic texts of the IV th-VI th centuries AD, as well as to the analysis and research of parallelism types typical of the poetry in this period.
Key words and phrases: параллелизм, древнекитайская поэзия, стилистика, стихотворение, функции параллелизма, parallelism, ancient Chinese poetry, stylistics, poem, function of parallelism
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