Lakhotyuk Lyubov' Andreevna
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The author considers the problem of correlation between the conscious and the unconscious in the process of speech formation, gives the arguments of those who believe that thinking takes place only in verbal forms, and those who believe that there is a preverbal nonverbal level of thinking, and suggests the ways of penetration into the image of foreign language speaker’s consciousness by means of mastering the grammar code of a foreign language through the impact on senses, and also the development of reflective thinking in the context of activity.
Key words and phrases: логос, когнитивные процессы, бессознательное, вербальность/невербальность мышления, культурные архетипы, инофон, logos, cognitive processes, unconscious, verbality/non-verbality of thinking, cultural archetypes, foreign language speaker
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