Alikova Svetlana Viktorovna
North-Caucasian Federal University
Abstract. The author considers the linguistic and pragmatic significance of the fixed collocations of non-phraseological type, raises the questions of their classification, the reasons of origin, semantic fields, and the role of the collocations of this type in the modern German language, tells that the semantic fields of the fixed collocations of non-phraseological type correlate with verbal ones, and emphasizes the necessity to distinguish the German progressive from the fixed collocations corpus.
Key words and phrases: глагольно-именное словосочетание, степень переосмысления, немецкий прогрессив, классификация устойчивых выражений, устойчивость, verbal-noun word combination, rethinking degree, the German progressive, fixed collocations classification, stability
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