Ramazanova Dariya Bairamovna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Abstract. The author considers the kinship terms "эке/эхе", "ака", which are used in the Altaic languages, in structural and semantic aspects, discusses the questions related to the features of their functioning: front row (the Tungus-Manchu, Mongolian languages??) and hard row (the Turkic languages) vocalization, the use of both feminine (in two mentioned groups) and masculine (in the Turkic languages) terms, qualifying character in the Tungusic and Turkic languages??, the semantic constraints in the Mongolian languages??, etc.; and concludes that the functioning of the term "ака" in the Mordovian-Karatai dialect of the western (Mishar) dialect of the Tatar language is similar to the Chuvash and Finno-Ugric languages, it is a feminine term, having a group nature, and it is considered as the term of the Bulgarian origin.
Key words and phrases: термины родства, алтайские языки, татарские говоры, квалификационный термин, сингармонические параллели, kinship terms, Altaic languages, Tatar dialects, qualifying term, synharmonic parallels
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