Voskoboinikova Lyudmila Petrovna
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Abstract. The article is devoted to the back-text interpretants functioning features study in the literary text. The author substantiates the addressing necessity to the outer interpretants; shows the value of the similar data during the text meaning finding. On the base of the held examples analysis from the belles-lettres the author concludes about the role of the outer interpretants, in particular about the mythologemes of the antic and biblical content, for the text semantics improvement and its correct and full interpretation by the reader.
Key words and phrases: интерпретация текста, интерпретант, мифопоэтика, мифологема, намек (аллюзия), семантический признак, text interpretation, interpretant, mythopoetics, mythologeme, hint (allusion), semantic character
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