Baluta Anastasiya Anatol'evna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. The article considers the grammatical features and syntactic functions of infinitive in the Yiddish language in comparison to the possible analogues in the Indo-European and Semitic languages. To accomplish this task in the present study, one of the unique and little studied Indo-European languages?, combining the elements of the Germanic, Slavic, Romanic and Semitic languages, is selected. According to this, the comparative analysis of the examples from the biblical texts is conducted in the Yiddish, Hebrew, Latin, German and Russian languages.
Key words and phrases: индоевропейские языки, семитские языки, идиш, инфинитив, обороты сложного дополнения, сопоставительный анализ библейских текстов, Indo-European languages, Semitic languages, Yiddish, infinitive, complex object constructions, comparative analysis of biblic
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