Yusupova Al'fiya Shavketovna
Kazan' Federal University
Abstract. The author discusses the lexicographical activity of L. Budagov, states the basic principles of compiling the dictionary, analyzes its lexical composition, reveals the problems in relation to modern lexicography, tells that the vast stratum of the Tatar language vocabulary of the XIXth century is also fixed in the dictionary by L. Budagov, and therefore considers obsolete words, borrowings and dialect units; and concludes that the dictionary is a valuable source of the Tatar historical lexicology and dialectology.
Key words and phrases: лексикография, XIX век, двуязычие, тематическая лексика, заимствование, историческая лексикология, диалектные слова, lexicography, the XIXth century, bilingualism, thematic vocabulary, borrowing, historical lexicology, dialectal words
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