Abstract. The author shows that French pronominal form with the meaning of intransitivity has different semantic subtypes, considers French verbal pairs of transitive verb / pronominal verb with the meanings of direct nonreciprocal reflexivity and the meaning of intransitivity of such subtypes as expression of phenomenon without reason indication and establishment of relations, and pays attention to the revelation of those verbal semantic components that affect the formation of one or another pair of verbs.
Key words and phrases: местоименная форма, непереходность, прямая невзаимная возвратность, глагольные свойства, соотношение местоименных и неместоименных глаголов, семантические компоненты глаголов, pronominal form, intransitivity, direct nonreciprocal reflexivity, verbal properties, correlation of pronominal and non-pronominal verbs, semantic components of verbs
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