Morel Morel Dmitry Aleksandr, Shashkin Leonid Maksimovich
Belgorod State University Department of Business Foreign Language Belgorod State University Department of the French Language
Abstract. In the article on the material of the French and English nominations of alcoholic drinks the contribution of different types of semantic derivation into the realization by the concept its integrative potential and into the representation of corresponding integrational activity in the language is considered. The authors pay special attention to the fact that notwithstanding the high productivity as a cognitive mechanism metaphor not always plays the key role in such processes.
Key words and phrases: концепт, семантическая деривация, интеграция, динамика, системные связи, метафора, метонимия, французский язык, английский язык, напитки, concept, semantic derivation, integration, dynamics, systematic relations, metaphor, metonymy, French language, English language, drinks
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