Glushetskaja S. M.
Belgorod State University Department of Business Foreign Language
Abstract. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the necessity of synchronous-diachronous approach to the analysis of vocabulary with the purpose of revealing the tendency in the development of relation "word-thing"; in this connection the necessity of the development of translational linguo-culturology dictionaries combining both linguistic and extralinguistic data on the realities of compared languages is marked.
Key words and phrases: синхронно-диахронный подход, анализ вокабуляра, отношение "слово-вещь", переводческие лингвокультурологические словари, реалии языка, synchronous-diachronous approach, the analysis of vocabulary, relation "word-thing", translational linguo-culturology dictionaries, realities of language
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